Model Spends Thousands On Plastic Surgery to Look Like a Sex Doll, Says She’s Happy and Confident


Name: Anastasia Hassiotis

Concept: Pleasure

Sub-concept: Transformation, excess, image, desire

Region: UK

Description: Former model Victoria Wild has been spending over £100k the past years on plastic surgeries, as she aims to emulate the exaggerated look of a sex doll. Victoria used to be a thin teenager, where people would call her “Barbie”, however she claims having an inferiority complex, which led to her need to become a “bombshell”.

Interpretation: When referring to plastic surgery, patients usually claim that what is being offered to them is nothing but the choice to look the way they want, “correct” imperfections, and most of all stay forever young. However, it seems that this notion of transformation has been wrongly used by some people who are eager to reach their extreme “plastic” goals. In particular, Victoria Wild has been extensively using plastic surgeries in an attempt to become a sex doll for her own pleasure. Having said that, pleasure in Victoria’s eyes seems to be characterized as the larger the number of people who look at her on the streets. Questions are raised when considering the reason why people look at a man-made model. Has our society reached a level where the concept of beauty has altered so much where people can walk around looking more like a “beast” rather than a “beauty” and still create pleasure to their viewers? We may continually applaud science and technology for their improvements over the years, but it seems that they tend to overpower people’s minds with regards to people’s appearances and what can be characterized as pleasurable. Examples like Victoria Wild, give society and especially the young women’s generation the wrong image of beauty and the role of plastic surgery within their own character and body.



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